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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Short note about me.

My name is Roberto Pablo Torres Jr. though I prefer to be called Tito (Pronounced Tea Toe) I was born on June 27, 1998 a whopping 10 pounds, WOW was I a fat baby. From birth I have gone through a number of hobbies and phases from Playing the Piano to wanting to Rock out with friends to being sporty to extremely lazy (but don't tell my boss hehe). I started using Paint when I was about eight and from there I wanted to find things with more features. I soon discovered Adobe Illustrator and from there I found Photoshop CS4. I quickly got used to it then began using that often soon after I took Graphic Design where I skipped straight to CS6 and it was as if I was back where I started. Now I do edits for small youtubers, Pages on Facebook, and Twitter Banners I think learning adobe was one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I'm sure it will open up many opportunities for me in the future.

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