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Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Blog

I realized now I didn't do this assignment or so that I left it blank..

I could've sworn I typed something but the evidence points to no.

Therefore I shall redo whatever this assignment really was supposed to be as soon as possible.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blog entry 1-a

Hello everyone Today is August 13th and I made a thing. By using the mask tools, rotate tools, eraser, opacity settings, and brush tool to create this masterpiece. Viola!
After which I messed with the mask tool more to create this.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Short note about me.

My name is Roberto Pablo Torres Jr. though I prefer to be called Tito (Pronounced Tea Toe) I was born on June 27, 1998 a whopping 10 pounds, WOW was I a fat baby. From birth I have gone through a number of hobbies and phases from Playing the Piano to wanting to Rock out with friends to being sporty to extremely lazy (but don't tell my boss hehe). I started using Paint when I was about eight and from there I wanted to find things with more features. I soon discovered Adobe Illustrator and from there I found Photoshop CS4. I quickly got used to it then began using that often soon after I took Graphic Design where I skipped straight to CS6 and it was as if I was back where I started. Now I do edits for small youtubers, Pages on Facebook, and Twitter Banners I think learning adobe was one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I'm sure it will open up many opportunities for me in the future.


4.1 Use professional etiquette for web-, email-, and social-media-based communications
6.1 Identify software that supports data capture for media devices (i.e., digital camera, video input device, graphics tablet, graphics expansion boards) 
12.2 Plan and participate in competitions

Personally the past few days since school started I've had one thing on my mind. I took this class back in 2012 to hone my skills and learn how to use the Adobe Products, after lots of experimenting and trial/error I soon began to provide help to my friends on YouTube. Now three years later I'm ready to try my hand at mastery. That's right I've come to get certified in as many Adobe Editing Softwares as I can!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Quick Note...

If this blog seems to suddenly change or appears to be missing everything I am busy editing the site.

Hi everyone!

Thanks for checking out my blog. I'd like to start off by saying a bit about myself. I have been editing for 5 years now and I absolutely love what I do. I'm 17 years old and am currently striving to make a career as a gamer/vlogger on youtube.  It may not pay much but I love what I do and everyone I get to meet and work with I can help you out with whatever you may need assistance with and provide help for those getting started with YouTube aswell as twitch and other video streaming services.